In asp net 5 how do I get the chosen route in middleware


ASP.NET is a popular programming used for web applications. In ASP.NET 5, developers often need to retrieve the chosen route in middleware. This article will provide a to this question with examples.

Retrieving the Chosen Route in Middleware

In ASP.NET 5, you can retrieve the chosen route in middleware by accessing the HttpContext object. The HttpContext object provides access to various properties and to the current HTTP request and response.

To retrieve the chosen route, you can use the GetRouteData method of the HttpContext object. This method an instance of the RouteData class, which contains information about the current route.

public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
    var routeData = context.GetRouteData();
    var route = routeData.Values["route"].ToString();
    // Use the route as needed

In the above example, the InvokeAsync method is a middleware method that takes the HttpContext object as a parameter. Inside this method, we retrieve the RouteData the GetRouteData method and then access the chosen route using the Values property of the RouteData object.

Once you have the chosen route, you can use it as needed in your middleware logic. For example, you can perform certain actions based on the chosen route or modify the of the middleware accordingly.


Retrieving the chosen route in middleware is a common requirement in ASP.NET 5 development. By accessing the HttpContext object and using the GetRouteData method, you can easily retrieve the chosen route and incorporate it into your middleware logic. This allows you to the behavior of your application based on the current route.

Remember to handle any exceptions that may occur when retrieving the chosen route to ensure the smooth functioning of your application.

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