How to save files to another folder in asp net core


ASP.NET is a popular programming language used for web applications. One task in web development is saving to a specific folder. In this article, we will explore how to save files to another folder in ASP.NET Core.

Step 1: Create a File Upload Form

The first step is to create a file upload form in your ASP.NET Core application. This form will allow users to select and upload files to the . Here is an example of how to create a simple file upload form:

Step 2: Handle the File Upload

Once the user selects a file and the “Upload” button, we need to handle the file upload in our ASP.NET Core application. We can do this by creating a controller action that the uploaded file and saves it to the desired folder. Here is an example of how to handle the file upload:

In the above example, we first check if the uploaded file is not null and has a length greater than 0. If it does, we create a file path by combining the destination folder path with the file name. We then create a new FileStream and use the CopyTo method to copy the uploaded file to the destination folder. Finally, we redirect the user to the “Index” page.

Step 3: Configure the Destination Folder

running the application, we need to configure the destination folder where the uploaded files will be . In ASP.NET Core, we can do this in the appsettings.json file. Here is an example of how to configure the destination folder:

"AppSettings": {
  "DestinationFolder": "path/to/destination/folder"

Make sure to replace “path/to/destination/folder” with the actual path to your desired folder.

Step 4: Access the Destination Folder

Finally, we need to access the configured destination folder in our controller action. We can do this by injecting the IConfiguration interface into our controller and retrieving the destination folder path from the appsettings.json file. Here is an example of how to access the destination folder:

In the above example, we inject the IConfiguration interface into our HomeController and store it in a private field. We then retrieve the destination folder path using the GetValue method and the configuration key “AppSettings:DestinationFolder”.


In this article, we have learned how to save files to another folder in ASP.NET Core. By the outlined above, you can easily implement file upload functionality in your ASP.NET Core application and save the uploaded files to a specific folder.

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