How to make pages not use the masterpage in asp net mvc 3


ASP.NET is a popular language used for building web applications. One common in ASP.NET MVC is to make certain pages not use the master page. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to have a or design for specific pages.


To make pages not use the master page in ASP.NET MVC 3, you can use the Layout property in the Razor view. The Layout property allows you to specify a different layout or disable the layout altogether for a specific view.

By default, all in ASP.NET MVC use the master page defined in the _Layout. file. To disable the master page for a specific view, you can set the Layout property to null or an string.

    Layout = null;

By setting the Layout property to null, the view will not use any master page and will be rendered any layout. This can be useful when you want to create a standalone page with a different design.


Let's say you have a view About.cshtml and you want it to not use the master page. You can achieve this by adding the code at the top of the view:

    Layout = null;

Here's the complete code for the About.cshtml view:

    Layout = null;


This is the about page content.

With the above code, the About.cshtml view will not use the master page and will be rendered without any layout. You can customize the design and layout of this page as per your requirements.


In ASP.NET MVC 3, you can make pages not use the master page by setting the Layout property to null or an empty string in the Razor view. This allows you to have different layouts or designs for specific pages in your web application.

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