How do you correctly set swagger examples in asp net core

Setting Swagger in ASP.NET Core

Swagger is a powerful tool for documenting and testing APIs. It provides a user-friendly interface to explore and with your API . One important aspect of API documentation is providing examples for different request and response scenarios. In this article, we will explore how to correctly set Swagger examples in ASP.NET Core.

Step 1: the Packages

To get started, we need to install the necessary NuGet packages. Open your ASP.NET Core project in Visual Studio and navigate to the NuGet Package Manager. Search for and install the following packages:


Step 2: Swagger

Once the packages are installed, we need to configure Swagger in our ASP.NET Core application. Open the Startup.cs file and locate the ConfigureServices method. Add the following code to enable Swagger:

services.AddSwaggerGen(c =>
    c.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "Your API", Version = "v1" });

This code registers the Swagger generator and sets the API title and version. Feel free to customize these values according to your project.

Step 3: Add Swagger UI Middleware

Next, we need to add the Swagger UI middleware to our application pipeline. Locate the Configure method in the Startup.cs file and add the following code:

app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
    c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "Your API V1");

This code enables the Swagger UI and specifies the endpoint for the Swagger JSON file. Again, you can customize the endpoint URL as .

Step 4: Swagger Examples

Now that Swagger is set up, we can define examples for our API endpoints. Open the controller file you want to add examples and locate the action method. Decorate the method with the [ProducesResponseType] attribute and specify the response type, along with the example value.

[ProducesResponseType(typeof(MyResponseModel), 200)]
public  Get()
    var example = new MyResponseModel
        Id = 1,
        Name = "John Doe"

    return Ok(example);

In this example, we define a response type of MyResponseModel and provide an example object with an ID and name. This example will be displayed in the Swagger UI.

Step 5: Generate and Test the API Documentation

With everything set up, you can now generate and test the API documentation. Build and run your ASP.NET Core application, and navigate to the Swagger UI endpoint (e.g., https://localhost:5001/swagger). You should see your API documentation with the defined examples.

By following these steps, you can correctly set Swagger examples in ASP.NET Core. Providing examples for your API endpoints can greatly enhance the understanding and usage of your API by developers.

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