Bootstrap theme not working in asp net mvc 5 project


ASP.NET is a popular programming language used for building web applications. It provides a framework for creating dynamic websites and web services. One common issue that developers face is when a Bootstrap theme does not work in an ASP.NET MVC 5 project. In this article, we will explore some possible to this problem.

Possible Causes

There can be reasons why a Bootstrap theme may not work in an ASP.NET MVC 5 project. Some of the common causes include:

  • Missing or references to Bootstrap files
  • Conflicting CSS styles
  • Incorrect configuration of the project

Solution 1: Check Bootstrap References

The first step is to ensure that all necessary Bootstrap files are properly referenced in your project. Open the BundleConfig.cs file located in the App_Start . Make sure that the following lines of code are present:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jquery").Include(

If any of lines are missing, add them to the file and save the changes. This will ensure that the necessary Bootstrap files are included in your project.

Solution 2: Resolve CSS Conflicts

Another common issue is conflicting CSS styles that prevent the Bootstrap theme from working correctly. To resolve this, you can try the following steps:

  1. Inspect the HTML elements using the browser's developer tools and check for any conflicting styles.
  2. Override the conflicting styles by adding more specific CSS rules or using the !important declaration.
  3. Ensure that the Bootstrap CSS file is included after any CSS files to give it priority.

Solution 3: Verify Project Configuration

It is also important to verify the project configuration to ensure that it is set up correctly for using Bootstrap. Check the following:

  • Make sure that the correct version of Bootstrap is installed in your project. You can use package manager to install or update Bootstrap.
  • Check the layout file (_Layout.cshtml) and ensure that the necessary Bootstrap classes are applied to the HTML elements.
  • Verify that the correct CSS and JavaScript files are being loaded in the browser by inspecting the network tab in the developer tools.


In this article, we have explored some possible solutions to the problem of a Bootstrap theme not working in an ASP.NET MVC 5 project. By the Bootstrap references, resolving CSS conflicts, and verifying the project configuration, you can troubleshoot and resolve this issue. Remember to always test your changes and ensure that the Bootstrap theme is applied correctly in your web application.

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