Asp net httpcookie expiration


ASP.NET is a popular programming language used for building web applications. One common task in web development is managing cookies, which are small pieces of data on the client's browser. In this article, we will explore how to set the expiration time for an HTTP cookie in ASP.NET.

Setting the Expiration Time

When creating an HTTP cookie in ASP.NET, you can specify an expiration time to control how long the cookie will be valid. The expiration time determines when the cookie will be automatically deleted from the client's browser.

To set the expiration time for an HTTP cookie in ASP.NET, you can use the property of the HttpCookie . This property accepts a object that represents the desired expiration time.

HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("MyCookie");
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7);

In the above example, we create a new of the HttpCookie class named “MyCookie”. We then set the Expires property to the current date and time plus seven days. This means that the cookie will and be deleted from the client's browser after one week.

the Expiration Time

If you need to access the expiration time of an existing HTTP cookie in ASP.NET, you can use the Expires property as well. This property a DateTime object the expiration time of the cookie.

HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies["MyCookie"];
DateTime expirationTime = cookie.Expires;

In the above example, we retrieve an existing cookie named “MyCookie” from the Request.Cookies collection. We then assign the value of the Expires property to a DateTime variable named expirationTime. This variable will now hold the expiration time of the cookie.


Setting the expiration time for an HTTP cookie in ASP.NET is a straightforward process. By using the Expires property of the HttpCookie class, you can control how long the cookie will be valid. Additionally, you can access the expiration time of an existing cookie using the same property. This allows you to any necessary operations based on the expiration time of the cookie.

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