How to start teamviewer session on the basis of teamviewerid in asp net


TeamViewer is a popular remote desktop software that allows users to access and computer or device remotely. In ASP.NET, you can a TeamViewer session based on the TeamViewer ID using the TeamViewer API. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this with examples.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  • An active TeamViewer account
  • TeamViewer API credentials (API key and secret)
  • An ASP.NET project set up

Step 1: Setting up the TeamViewer API

To start a TeamViewer session programmatically, we need to use the TeamViewer API. Follow these steps to set up the API:

  1. Log in to your TeamViewer account.
  2. Navigate to the TeamViewer Management Console.
  3. Click on your in the top-right corner and select “Edit profile”.
  4. Go to the “API” tab and click on “Create script token”.
  5. Provide a name for the token and select the desired permissions.
  6. Click on “Create” to generate the API key and secret.

Step 2: Installing the TeamViewer API NuGet package

In your ASP.NET project, install the TeamViewer API NuGet package. Open the Package Console and run the following :

Install-Package TeamViewer.API

Step 3: Starting a TeamViewer session

Now, let's see how to start a TeamViewer session based on the TeamViewer ID in ASP.NET. First, import the necessary namespaces:

using TeamViewer.Api;

Next, create an instance of the TeamViewerClient class and authenticate using your API credentials:

var client = new TeamViewerClient("API_KEY", "API_SECRET");

Once authenticated, you can start a session by calling the StartSession method and passing the TeamViewer ID as a :

var session = client.StartSession("TEAMVIEWER_ID");

The StartSession method returns a TeamViewerSession object, contains the session details. You can access like SessionCode and SessionPassword to display to the user.


Here's an example of how to start a TeamViewer session in ASP.NET:

using TeamViewer.Api;

public class TeamViewerController : Controller
    private readonly TeamViewerClient _client;

    public TeamViewerController()
        _client = new TeamViewerClient("API_KEY", "API_SECRET");

    public ActionResult StartSession(string teamViewerId)
        var session = _client.StartSession(teamViewerId);
        ViewBag.SessionCode = session.SessionCode;
        ViewBag.SessionPassword = session.SessionPassword;

In the above example, we have a controller action called StartSession that takes the TeamViewer ID as a parameter. It creates a session using the TeamViewer API and passes the session details to the view using the ViewBag object.


In this article, we have learned how to start a TeamViewer session based on the TeamViewer ID in ASP.NET. By using the TeamViewer API and following the steps outlined, you can easily integrate TeamViewer functionality into your ASP.NET applications.

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